Monday, April 19, 2010

QUARTZ - Tenessee Nurse

I met QUARTZ on the Hiker's Hostel's shuttle coming off the Trail. She mentioned she had worked for 22 years as a nurse in a TN State Psychiatric Hospital for adults. She was involved with a program designed to move patients to off-site, independent family group living. It usually took a patient about three years to reach that level of proficiency.

After dinner we sat down and she told me this experience.....

Tony, a young lad of about 20, was committed to the hospital after his adopted parents decided they could no longer handle him and that he was not what they wanted to handle. He was acting out, not performing in school, and in general not developing.

Once in their care the staff decided to invite him on a camping trip as it is a great way to assess skills. See, a hospital/institution setting teaches the patients to be dependent on the staff. But, taking them outdoors forces the patients to act for themselves.

He was told he could bring once special item. While setting up camp Quartz was surprised to see what he brought. "Tony, what are those?", she asked. "Books" he replied. "What do you plan to do with them?" she inquired further. "Read them." he replied

The entire staff was stunned...who knew he could read? Not his adopted parents and not the institution. Eventually Tony was able to leave the hospital and function on his own as a contributing adult.

Unfortunately the program, Fair Weather Community Lodge Program, did not survive. As some TN legislators complained, it was too much fun.

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