Looking back over the past month I find it incredible how many people I have met with life experiences about working with youth outdoors. And these are people I did not schedule to meet; they just happened. If you have been on the Foundation's website you now there is a AT map with green triangles indicating scheduled appointments. Well before I got to the first triangle I had over 4 hours of notes and taped interviews already "in the can." Now try that and Hike the Trail at he same time.
It all started on Monday with the four person shuttle to the Springer Mtn. parking lot to start the hike. One of the others was Jerry H. who has 31 years as a youth minister; I never did get his whole story. At Springer Mt.n we ran into a group of Ole Miss Students, we chatted a little but it was not until later that day, when we met again, that I had a chance to meet Riley K, their student leader (see earlier blog). But it wasn't until Tuesday that he and I got a chance to sit down after lunch to talk.
Tuesday afternoon while standing in the middle of US Forest Service Road 42 at Coopers Gap I met Quartz when a shuttle stopped to pick me up. Later that night I got her story which is in a previous blog. But what I did not tell in the blog is that she asked me a question which had an unbelievable result.
(Note: Quartz is from Tennessee and we are in Georgia on the AT.)
She asked how a tool salesman got into writing about troubled kids. I explained how Rosemarie is a teacher and I loved the outdoors. Then I mentioned how my two oldest got into working with kids. I casually mentioned how my oldest was working for Charleston County Park Rec in South Carolina. She asked for her last name. I said PALKA. Then this woman for out of nowhere says: Are You Danielle's father??????? How small can this world get!
Wednesday morning I got a shuttle ride attempting to get back to Cincinnati to check on Amy. I found out that the driver's wife was getting into this work. Still have to get her story.
Then I came back out April 3, in time for the Franklin Hiker Bash. That is where I met
- BAG-"O"-TRICKS and heard about his work in our reach to kids
- SKYWATCHER - a Cincinnati scout master
By the 4th I was at the hostel at Mountain Crossings at Neels Gap on the AT. I actually worked for room & board for three days and met
- GRIZ - a store employee who worked previously for Eckerd Youth Alternatives
- SLINGSHOT - see previous blog
- GRAY WANDERER - 40 years as an educator and taught me about John Dewey
- Eric J - going back to school to finish his studies in outdoor ed
- RAZOR - ridgerunner and how the Trail is serviced
- Ms Janet - hostel manager and Trail savvy
The following weekend (4/8-12) I was in Asheville NC where I had appointments:
- Ed Raiola, Outdoor Leadership Department Head Warren Wilson College
- Jason Michaels - Outing Club Director
- Morning Naughton - WWC Admissions Officer
- Erin Sommer - NC Outward Bound
- Travis Herbert - NC Outward Bound
- Sandy Newes - Clinical First Responder
- Jon Rousseau - rites of passage
- Amy Pine - attended CT Wilderness School and graduated Warren Wilson now working in Asheville and back at CWS
- Jeremy Poore - Stone Mt. School
Now I have always wanted to visit Danielle during her park's big East Coast Canoe & Kayak Festival. So I headed down to Charleston for the 4/15 -19 weekend. I volunteered to pickup a guest speaker from the airport. Wayne H 25 years experience as head of UC Santa Barbara's outdoor program and gave a great interview on wilderness.
Also during the weekend I met Katie Coley head of USC outdoor rec dept and heard about her outdoor experience.
I also got a chance to stand up paddle. One is suppose to stand up on what looks like a surf board and with a very long handle paddle. I am told it is the hottest new sport. It may be hot but I got wet. Seems the first board I used was not my size. I was everywhere but on it; as in: under, off, below, & alongside. Then we switched to a beamer model and I was a pro. I believe they call that unit the Yorktown after the beamy aircraft carrier tied up in Charleston harbor.
By April 22 I was back in Asheville for a graduation ceremony at Woodson Wilderness Challenge for adjudicated youth; means they are in the court system/ jail. More instructor interviews with
- Jason - classroom treacher
- Tex - director
- Bill - staff social worker
- Ms Janie - instructor
- Ms Becky - instructor
- Ms Jenna - instructor Warren Wilson grad
- Ms Jenny - instructor
- Dane N - instructor
- Dave C - instructor - 26 years exp.
- Noel - instructor Warren Wilson grad knew Jason
- R. Randolph - NC Dept Justice Chaplain
- Abe - instructor
I will keepposting.
So how did she get to know Danielle and ask if you were her father?
ReplyDeleteSorry about having to cancel our meet at Exit 150!
She met and remembered Danielle from a weekend with a mutual friend at Cumberland Island about two years ago.
ReplyDeleteEven quirkier... during the van ride I mentioned that I now had two daughters expecting. Just grandparents talking amongst themselves. Well when she realized that Danielle was my daughter she wanted to now if Danielle was pregnant. Well that was suppose to be a secret so I made her promise not to tell a soul; including their mutual friend, Maureen.
Hope all is well.